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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est marcophilie navale envelopmer frégate Courbet EU NAVFOR french navy somalie somalia Atalante Atalanta timbre opération philatelie. Afficher tous les articles

27 juillet 2011

Opération ATALANTA

Frégate Courbet

European Union Naval Force Somalia – Operation Atalanta Logo

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Sinon , allez sur le site EU NAVFOR 

On the 19th of July, EU NAVFOR French Frigate Courbet completed another safe and successful escort of a World Food Programme (WFP) vessel from Kenya to Somalia, enabling much needed food-aid to reach the country where a famine has been declared.

Since December 2008, the European Union’s first navy operation, Operation ATALANTA, has conducted the first priority task of the protection and escort of World Food Program vessels, against piracy and armed robbery in the Indian Ocean and delivered more than 500,000 metric tons of food which supports nearly 1.2 million people every day.

Escorting WFP vessels from the beginning of the operation has meant that not a single ship carrying WFP food to Somalia has been attacked: all of them have arrived safely with their cargo properly delivered

Liste des bateaux piratés

1 MV ICEBERG 1 Panama 29 March 2010 24
2 FV JIH CHUN TSAI NO 68 Taiwan 30 March 2010 4
5 FV PRANTALAY 12 Thailand 18 April 2010 24
10 MV OLIP G Malta 08 September 2010 18
15 MV POLAR Panama 30 October 2010 24
19 MV ALBEDO Malaysia 25 November 2010 23
21 MV MSC PANAMA Liberia 10 December 2010 23
23 MV ORNA Panama 20 December 2010 19
25 FV SHIUH FU NO 1 Taiwan 25 December 2010 26
28 MV BLIDA Algerian 01 January 2011 27
30 MV EAGLE Cyprus 07 January 2011 24
31 HOANG SON SUN Mongolia 19 January 2011 (reported) 24
34 MV SAVINA CAYLYN Italy 8 February 2011 22
36 MV SININ Malta 12 February 2011 23
37 FV ALFARDOUS Yemen 13 February 2011 8
38 MV DOVER Panama 28 February 2011 20
42 MV ROSALIA D’AMATO Italy 21 April 2011 21
43 MV GEMINI Singaporian  30 April 2011 25
44 MV JUBBA XX United Arab Emirates 16 July 2011 16

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