Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Frégate ASM MONTCALM Enduring Freedom avril mai 2013 Mascate french navy Muscat Mascate assistance médicale. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Frégate ASM MONTCALM Enduring Freedom avril mai 2013 Mascate french navy Muscat Mascate assistance médicale. Afficher tous les articles

07 juin 2013

Frégate ASM MONTCALM Enduring Freedom avril mai 2013 Mascate


Réception de deux plis de la FASM Montcalm en date du 03 juin 2013 

Mascate (en arabe مسقط Masqaṭ), ou Muscat, est la capitale du sultanat d'Oman. Le très ancien petit port a grandi. La petite ville (la vieille ville de Mascate ne contient que 25 000 d'habitants) est à l'origine de la plus grande agglomération du pays, avec une population dans l'aire métropolitaine de 1 090 797 habitants en 2008. 

l'occasion de vous faire découvrir un Carnet de Voyage dessins de Jean-Claude  CROSSON  Texte de Bruno Le Cour

Le chiffre dépasse ainsi de plus de 250 000 habitants la population recensée en 2010 dans le seul gouvernorat de Mascate qui s'étend lui sur une superficie de 3 500 km2). Mascate s'étend donc désormais largement hors des limites de son gouvernorat (ou préfecture).

Aide et assistance médical dans la Mer d'Oman par la FASM Montcalm et USS William P Lawrence

Muscat Daily staff writer
April 20, 2013

Warships attached to the multinational Combined Maritime Forces’ (CMF) Combined Task Force 150 (CTF 150) were twice called to provide mechanical and medical assistance to mariners in the Sea of Oman recently.

The French anti-submarine frigate FNS Montcalm and the US Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS William P Lawrence, which were conducting engagement activities in the Sea of Oman, were requested for medical aid by two separate vessels, according to a CMF release.

Jambe cassée pour un membre iranien de l'équipage d'un dhow

During a routine approach and assist visit, the medical team from FNS Montcalm was transferred to a dhow to treat an Iranian crew member who had a broken leg.

Montcalm’s embarked doctor was able to assess the patient and provide advice on how to best manage the individual’s injury at sea as well as provide initial treatment.

assistance mécanique

The following day, USS William P Lawrence identified a dhow under tow and was requested to provide mechanical assistance to it. While on board assessing the engineering situation, the boarding party noticed that several Iranian crew members had a number of minor injuries.

Empoisonnement par des poissons venimeux, soins des yeux, coupures, plaies et blessures abdominale

They treated the mariners, who were suffering from infections from handling poisonous fish, eye infections and general cuts, abrasions, including a sailor with an ‘abdominal wound’.

Commodore Charles McHardi, commander of CTF150, said that the CMF regularly provides this type of assistance during maritime security patrols in the Sea of Oman, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean.

“As mariners we all understand that life at sea can be inherently hazardous and our access to support services, such as medical treatment, that would be routine on land can be restricted,” he said.

“Our forces endeavour to improve the conditions for regional mariners however they can. Our primary focus is on improving the security environment but situations like this highlight that this is not the only role we have in this region.”

Distribution de crème solaire, de gants de travail et d'informations sur la sécurité maritime 

FNS Montcalm and USS William P Lawrence also provided the crew of the vessels with general assistance including the distribution of sunscreen, protective work gloves and emergency contact information for the maritime security forces operating in the area.

Lumières d'Oman chez Gallimard 
illustrations Jean-Claude Crosson
Texte Bruno Le Cour

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