Affichage des articles dont le libellé est FS FLOREAL en Tanzanie Mission Atalante Atalanta océan Indien piraterie escorte PAM. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est FS FLOREAL en Tanzanie Mission Atalante Atalanta océan Indien piraterie escorte PAM. Afficher tous les articles

06 février 2012

FS FLOREAL en Tanzanie Mission Atalante

FS FLOREAL en Tanzanie 
Mission Atalante

En escale à DAR ES SALAM, une enveloppe de la FS FLOREAL qui poursuit sa mission ATALANTE.

quelques sites d'information de Tanzanie et du Kenya


Timbres : Animaux sauvages de Tanzanie  Chimpanzés  TAD Dar Es Salaam 

The French frigate FLOREAL arrived in Dar es Salaam for a formal visit today (30 Jan 12). The ship has been attached to the European Union Naval Force (EUNVFOR) since November.
This force is one of three coalition task forces engaged in anti-piracy operations in the Indian Ocean, highlighting the very significant international effort being expended to curb the threat of piracy in the region.
The Operational Commander of the EUNAVFOR mission is British Rear Admiral Duncan Potts who leads a multinational HQ near London, his deputy is German Rear Admiral Rainer Endres and the deployed force of ships, maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters is commanded by Spanish Rear Admiral Jorge Manso. Other elements of the force include contributions from the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

In recent weeks FOREAL has been actively involved in a number operations to protect shipping carrying food aid to the beleaguered population of Somalia, as well as the active pursuit and disruption of pirates operating across the Indian Ocean.
The efforts of all three coalitions are showing results: there has been a significant decrease in pirate attacks in the last three months, more than 70 pirates have been apprehended in the last month alone and the number of ships and hostages held by pirates is the lowest for more than two years.

FLOREAL, commanded by Commander Christophe Pasco, will be spending three days in Dar es Salaam where her crew of 101 will have some well deserved rest and also assist with some training for the TPDF (Navy) before returning to her mission.

 La mission se déroule autour de 3 grands axes : escorter des bâtiments du PAM et de l’AMISOM (mission de l’union africaine en Somalie), protéger des bâtiments vulnérables (pêcheurs européens au large des Seychelles ou dans le golfe d’Aden) et enfin assurer un rôle de prévention, de dissuasion et de répression des actes de piraterie.

Pour mener à bien ces missions, le Floréal dispose de moyens tels que l’Hélicoptère Panther (détaché de la flottille 36F), des embarcations rapides et une équipe de protection embarquée.

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