01 octobre 2013

TAAF Kerguelen Des bateaux de passage

TAAF Kerguelen  Des bateaux de passage

Our vessels operate in two fishing zones of Australia’s sub-Antarctic territories. These are Macquarie Island to the south-east of Tasmania, and Heard Island, which lies south-west of Western Australia. Austral Fisheries is proud of its demonstrated record of responsible fishing in these World Heritage Listed areas, where bycatch is less than 10% of total catch and interactions with seabirds and marine mammals are minimal.

Austral Fisheries is entitled to catch Patagonian toothfish around Macquarie Island and have been working in this fishery since 1994. Heard Island is home to Australia’s only active volcano, the Big Ben, which is permanently covered in snow and cloud and dominates the island’s topography. Here, Austral Fisheries is also entitled to catch Mackerel icefish as well as Patagonian toothfish and have been working in this fishery since 1996. Both the toothfish and icefish from the Heard Island and Macquarie Island fisheries are now certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council, as well as the toothfish being rated ‘Best Choice’ by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch program.

Basés à La Réunion, ces 4 palangriers-congélateurs, construits ou transformés par les chantiers Piriou de Concarneau, pêchent la légine et d’autres poissons vivant par grands fonds (–2 000 m) dans les zones économiques de Crozet et Kerguelen, sous autorisation de pêche délivrée par les Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises.

photo Bruno Graignic

Leur système de palangre automatique consiste à mettre à l’eau un grand nombre d’hameçons sur une ligne mère déposée sur le fond.
Le Croix du Sud, premier palangrier acquis par SAPMER et un navire initialement construit en Norvège puis jumboïsé. Il est exploité depuis 1999 et a des petites spécificités qui lui sont propres : (autonomie, nombre d’équipage, longueur, fluide frigorigène, etc).

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