10 avril 2010

En escale à Saint-Malo 


HMS Tracker (P274) est un navire de la classe Archer (P2000). Ce patrouilleur sert de navire école à la Royal Navy , dans le cadre des formations dispensées l' Oxford University Royal Naval Unit (URNU).

Écusson de l'université d'Oxford sur la cheminée du bateau

Le HMS Tracker devant Intra-Muros

Faisant partie du 1er Escadron de patrouille (1PBS), le navire est basé à HMNB Portsmouth , et sert à familiariser les officiers "potentiels" aux métiersde la Royal Navy. 

Il est le troisième navire à porter le nom HMS Tracker . Il peut atteindre une vitesses de 25 noeuds.

Welcome to the website of Oxford University Royal Naval Unit and HMS Tracker
Oxford University Royal Naval Unit (URNU) was formed in October 1994 to provide training to students from Oxford, Oxford Brookes and Reading Universities.  The syllabus is based primarily around navigation and seamanship both ashore and at sea in HMS Tracker, the unit’s fast patrol boat.  The unit provides opportunities for travel, both around the UK and overseas, and for personal development and leadership training. 
HMS Tracker was commissioned into the Royal Navy in 1998.  Her primary mission is to support the URNU’s activities but she is also conducts other RN tasking, including warfare officer training, youth and cadet outreach, fleet trials, VIP transport and engagement with the wider maritime community.

sources Royal Navy


photos JMB

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